
Its been 1 month..Here i come again :-)

奇怪, 奇怪﹐真奇怪…最近好像都不知道要寫什麼耶 ☺ 也許是因為我太忙了﹐真的太忙了﹐就連我在睡覺時﹐也一直還在想著工作﹗﹗我想這是我一生中第一次要同時間把注意力放在那麼多事情上面。

最近,我都在忙拍新劇’公主小妹’ 還有我們第二張專輯配唱和錄音,拍廣告,還有一件就是就算我累死了它還是一直在我腦海裡的,就是我在汶萊的Fitness Club!

其實Fitness Zone對我來說像我的寶寶一樣. 我就像一個學生做著一個很大的企劃案成立了這間健身房﹐做了一大堆的調查﹐去了好多國家查看﹐出席很多跟健身有關的展覽會﹐研討會﹐然後盡力去吸收更多有關健身的資訊! 所以 ,我有信心說關於這健身行業我很有心得和知識,所以 我想就因為這樣我才會有這麼多點子吧。


所以,我還是必須接受一個事實,就是我只能在同一時間專注做一個事情﹗因此,我現在還是必須把戲拍好,至少不會兩樣事情都做一半? 這個月把戲拍完之後,我會有一點時間回去汶萊,專心去做在8月中要開幕的Fitness Club的種種事情。對我來說現在的人生是忙碌的也十分有挑戰性,但是我覺得很有意義因為我可以學習和經歷很多事情!

當然我也有感到失落的時候, 不過在同一時間﹐克服它給了我更多的信心和鼓勵﹗


老實說,最近真的感到很累, 也真的覺得自己沒有時間松一口氣! 有時候,我真的也會感到沒有力量也沒有動力,但是來到簽名會的時候, 我整個人就充電了! 好吧,這麼說好了…最近也實在睡的時間也不夠,但是卻要在如此炎熱的天氣下持續簽名8小時,我很驕傲的是我們居然做到了! 我也覺得很驕傲因為我們破了一天簽幾十千本書的記錄! 對我們還有對那些排了好辛苦的支持者來說,真的是非常不簡單。這個經驗深深地感動了我,讓我看到每個人的努力,也給了我力量去讓自己變得更好!!! 你們真的很棒:-)

給所有一直以來都在接受生活的挑戰的你們: 請一定要盡力啦 ,要健健康康喔﹗這次要跟你們分享兩個東西!



加油﹗﹗﹗ ☺

English Version

Strange…strange…strange… Recently, it seems like not knowing what to write :-)

Maybe it’s because I’m too busy… REAL BUSY even when I sleep, I still think of work!!! It’s the 1st time in my life that I need to focus on so many things simultaneously.

Lately, I have been very busy Filming my drama, Recording Songs for our up-coming album, Shooting advertisements and one more thing which really keeps my mind awake even though I am dead tired and yes… it’s my Fitness Club in Brunei which is schedule to open mid august!

Actually Fitness Zone is like my baby :-) I set up this Club as if I am a student doing a huge project… Did tons of research, visited many countries, took part in many health and fitness exhibitions, seminars and tried my best to find out as much information as I could about the fitness industry! Well, I can say that I am very knowledgeable about this business now and I guess that's why I’ve got so many ideas to think about the business. However, it’s sometime really frustrating because I just couldn’t be in Brunei to do my best for the setting up of my fitness club due to my showbiz commitments! Sigh…I guess I just have to be open minded, let go of this obstinate attitude and make myself understand that this is the best I can possibly do for my fitness club now.

Therefore, I’ve got to stick to the rule of focusing on one thing at a time! Thus, I need to put more focus on my showbiz career now so I won’t have both things half done… Once filming ends this month, I will have a little time going back to Brunei and focus on my Fitness Club which will be officially open in mid August. Life is very busy and extremely challenging for me now but to me, I think it’s very meaningful because I am learning a lot and experiencing a lot of things!

Of course there are times when I will feel down but at the same time overcoming it has given me much more confidence and encouragement in life…

My thoughts after our pictorial book autograph activity:

As I has mentioned, I felt very tired recently and really find myself no time even to take a breath! Sometimes, I would really feel lack of energy and motivation but during the autograph activity, it was a total recharge for me! Well, put it this way... I haven't got enough sleep recently and we had to sign 8 hours continuously under the extreme hot weather but I am real proud we've gone through this! I'm also proud of breaking the record of signing tens of thousands of books that day! It wasn't easy for us and our supporters who have been queuing days before the event and also those who specially came from overseas. After experiencing this activity, it really touched my heart and seeing everyone's hard work, it kind of gave me more power to get better and better!!! You guys are really GREAT :-)

To all of us who have been challenging our lives all these while – Just do our best and STAY HEALTHY!

Here are 2 powerful quotes to share with you!

“Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today!”

“A setback is the opportunity to begin more intelligently.”

Yeah!!! :-)


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