
哇,已經好一陣子沒寫了…. 你們想我嗎? ☺

最近,有太多通告和活動所以我真的沒有很多時間好好跟大家寫我的感受, 同時又有太多海外的通告!我也花了不少時間思考我的career還有怎麼adapt to我身邊發生的事情!

廣州那一次,是我第一次一個人面對60位記者…wow! 這真的是我很難忘的經驗,而好消息是…我現在對自己有了多一點信心了,謝謝你們!

不過,香港之旅還是讓我有一點小失望,因為很多活動的安都有了變化! 其實,我們本來計劃有很多可以和大家互動的游戲,因為我們知道大家已經期待了很久這次的小型演唱會,也花了不少錢和時間,所以我們很想讓大家都可以享受我們的演出…可惜的是,整個場面有點太危險了,所以公司只好決定取消所有的游戲!

其實,我真的希望你們都可以乖乖聽話當一個好的支持者,因為對工作人員來說,他們其實必須對我們的安全負上責任! For example,有很多人向我們公司投訴一些飛輪海的歌迷為其他在機場的遊客帶來困擾! 我想我也有責任提醒你們這些事情不應該發生…我知道你們很想更接近我們可是有時候,現場的情況是不允許的。再說,我希望你們大家都可以尊重我們的工作人員,也尊重我的三個好兄弟,因為你們知道嗎﹖如果你們不這樣做,我要承受多大的壓力? 身為你們的朋友,或身為你們的偶像,我希望我跟你們說這些不會讓你們不開心,因為我真的很希望我的支持者都是我可以為榮的一群人…一群不會傷害其他人,反而願意幫助其他人的,好不好﹖

還有一件事情是我想再次說的,一件很久以前我已經說過的事情! 我真的不想看到大家為了送我禮物而花錢了。我知道,,, 我知道你們希望我收到禮物的時候可以很開心但是你們知道嗎…我真的很內疚! 我知道你們已經花了很多錢買我們的唱片支持我們了,所以一定要為自己節省,如果可以的話,不如做一些慈善吧! 有時候,我會接受因為我會想到你們的感受如果我拒絕你們的禮物,但是我現在必須要跟你們說,我今後不會再接受你們的禮物了。所以如果你帶來,你只會失望,所以我不希望看到你們這樣,好嗎?☺ 我要你們開心,而且我也真的很了解你們只是想表達對我的欣賞和支持,但是我真的真的覺得你的一封信,你的掌聲,你的加油牌就是我最需要的! 請這次一定要聽我的話…OK,如果你真的想給我禮物,就這樣吧…我只會在一年一度我的生日那天接受你們的DIY禮物,就這麼約定喔﹖☺

補充一下,如果你有多的收入,我希望你們可以多做慈善啦! 就好像小林眼鏡大慈善活動 - 其實,我想跟每一個在這裡讀我網誌的人分享我的喜悅,因為其中一個我成為藝人的目標就是希望能影響更多人做好事,也借這個機會盡力鼓勵和勸大家多做善事! 其實,我對于這個慈善活動的收穫感到非常驚喜,因為老實說,投標的物品的價格其實可能只有NT10,000,但是活動結束後我們籌到NT500,000. 我當下覺得非常開心,但是又同時擔心會不會有一些支持者為了響應而逼自己捐錢﹐但是又想到這是好事啊,是可以幫到真正需要我們幫助的小朋友們! 其實,我看到你們都有一顆想做善事的心,雖然有些人沒辦法contribute這個活動,但是我還是很想謝謝你們! 更讓我感動的是有一些人已經成功標到產品了但是又故意捐出來讓別人再度投標,所以所籌到的金額才會越來越多…這表示了你們的出發點是真的想幫助需要幫助的人,而不是在於投標到的東西而已…. 我真的很感動,也希望從今以後每個人都能這麼想,去幫助更多人!

還有,我把所有我生日當天10月10號的留言板上的留言都讀一遍了 - 雖然這些留言已經有一陣子了,但是當我讀的時候,感覺像回到我生日當天☺我真的很感動也可以感受到那時候每個人對我真心的祝福! 其實,我是有一點不忍心刪掉但是最後又不得不這麼做! 謝謝你們!

最近,我知道在各個媒體上都有很多我的新聞,當然有好的也有不好的! 對于好的報導,我很想跟一路以來對我很關心和一直在幫助我的媒體們說謝謝…我知道媒體對于一個藝人的事業影響很大,所以不管新聞是什麼,是真是假,是好是壞,請大家也不要太介意,因為這也只是記者們的工作。

我也發現身邊很多人開始對于我的工作態度更敏感,我真的覺得很不公平!!! 我一直以來都是維持一樣的工作態度,但是那時候沒有人在我背後說什麼…但是現在他們都會說“喔! 他現在紅了就變了!”

我真的覺得我沒有改變,未來也不會! 我答應我自己我一定要維持最初的態度,甚至要比從前做得更好,我不想辜負我母親,也會一直記得當時的承諾到永遠…努力做一個最好的人! 我真的很不開心但是我一直跟自己說要開心一點,才能有更好的表現! 我其實有跟我身邊值得相信的人談過這些事情,但是他們都跟我說不應該介意別人的看法因為時間會證明一切,我也深深這麼覺得! 請大家不要擔心,我不會被這些流言打敗…我會變得越來越堅強的! 你們也要…變得更強喔!!!

另外一個好消息就是我現在離我的夢想越來越近了-拍電影!!! 當我年輕的時候,我很愛看香港電影,而當我進入演藝圈的時候,我一直告訴自己我在演藝圈一個最大的目標就是要拍電影☺這是我的夢想,看起來很難實現,但是…



Yeah…我很開心有一些很好的香港電影公司和優秀的導演開始注意到我! 雖然我公司到現在還沒辦法確定我的時間表是不是容許我踏出拍電影的第一步,但是這是我的夢想,所以我一定會努力讓它實現的! 現在,有戲劇和電影的機會都在等我,不管公司作什麼樣的選擇﹐我還是會全力做到最好,不讓公司和支持我的人失望!


WOW…這篇文章對我來說真的超長的! 讀完以後你們一定會覺得很累…哈哈! 好啦,是時候去吃新鮮的水果讓自己更有精神了啦☺

English version

Wow, its been a while...You guys miss me? :-)

Recently, there has been loads of activities and I didn’t have the time to post and express all my feelings! I’ve been busy traveling here and there and doing lots of thinking about my career path as well as how to handle all the issues that’s bombarding me recently!

My trip in Guang Zhou and HK – Though it was the first time to be interviewed by over 60 reporters totally by myself, it was a total learning experience for me and the good news is… I actually gained much more confidence from it but of course… its all thanks to so many of you! However, I was quite upset in HK as our activities in the concert weren’t what we initially planned for! Actually we were supposed to participate in some games with the crowds since we knew that everyone was anticipating for this concert and have used up lot of time and money so we wanted to make sure everyone had a great time… Unfortunately, there was a change in plan as the situation was critical and our company had to cancel all the games!

In the future, I really hope that all our supporters are well-behaved coz it’s really hard on our crew as they need to be responsible for our everything! There are also complaints that our supporters have caused disturbance to the travelers in the airport! I think it’s my job to educate all of you that these kinds of things shouldn't happened… I know you guys wanna get close to us but sometimes, the situation just doesn't allow it. Also, I hope you guys could respect our crew and also my 3 Fahrenheit brothers because when you don’t, there are lots of pressure I have to face at the end of the day. As your friend or idol, I hope you guys will not be upset with what I have said because I really want supporters whom I feel proud having… people who won’t hurt others and are always helpful to everyone, ok? :-) Let’s do it!!!

Another thing... I wanna remind something which I’ve mentioned long time ago! I really don't wish see you guys spending money on gifts anymore. I know you guys just want me to be happy but you know what… I will feel bad! I know that most of you spent a lot of money supporting us but please keep the savings for yourself or do charities if you’ve got a chance to do so! I did accept gifts occasionally in the past because I know how it feels feeling rejected just like how Michael Jordan rejected my gift ☺ BUT I must still let you all know that I will not accept gifts anymore in the future! So if you happen to bring gifts again, you will only be left with disappointment and I don't wish to see that ok? ☺ I want you guys to be happy too and I totally understand that you wanna show your appreciation and support but I sincerely feel that a letter, your applause or your ‘jia you’ signages is all I need and that's more than enough for me! Please listen to me just this once, ok? Let’s do this... if you guys really wanna give me something, I will accept DIY gifts but Only once a year and that’s during my birthday, DEAL? ☺ Thanks a million!

Therefore, a friendly reminder again... hehe… if you have the extra income, remember to do more charities, ok? Actually, I’m glad to be able to share my thoughts with everyone who reads my blog coz one of my aims as an artiste is to try my best to influence as many people as possible to do good deeds and to encourage and educate them with my best efforts! Something I’d like to share re. the Kobayashi Charity event which was held recently - I was extremely surprised with the outcome of this charity event coz to be honest, the total value for all the items are only worth app. NT10,000 but at the end of the bid, it was sold for a total of NT500,000! WOW!!! I’m overjoyed with the outcome and at same time guilty too as some of you might have difficulties coming out with the money BUT good thing… it’s for the children who really need help from us so the money spent was well worth it, wasn’t it? I’m proud to see many of you having the heart to do charities and although some didn’t have the chance to contribute during the activity, I still want to thank you for trying your best! What touched me even more was when some of the items won by the bidders were donated and re-bade again for a higher price! This means that these winning bidders were not really there for the items but to help people who are in need! Special thanks to these people… I hope everyone carries the same attitude whenever possible!

By the way, I managed to read all the messages which were posted in my guestbook on the 10th Oct 2006 (my birthday). Although these messages have been staying there for such a long time already but the moment I read them, it was as if that day was really my birthday! I’m really touched and could feel everyone’s sincerity form the greetings! Actually, I couldn’t bear to delete them but I still have to in the end! Sorry and thank you very much!

I’ve got to say that there have been a lot of news about me recently and of course there are good ones and bad ones too! For the good ones, I really want to thank the media for paying attention to me and helping me all the time… I realized that the media really play an important role in an artiste’s career and whatever the news are, whether good or bad, it’s their job so don't bother too much and don't hate them if the news turn out to be bad!

I also realized that many people around me are becoming more and more sensitive with me which I think is really unfair! I might be doing what I’m doing now in the past and no one would say anything back then but now… they might be saying “Oh! He is well-known now and he is changed already!” I hope everyone don't carry the belief of thinking someone will change when he gets more popular as it is really unfair and childish!

I truly think and believe that I never have changed and will never change ever! I have promised myself that I must carry the same kind of attitude that I used to have or even improve myself so I won’t let my mother down and I will keep that promise for the rest of my life… “Be the best person I can be!” Honestly, I am really not happy lately but I keep telling myself that I need to be happy so I can perform well! I actually did seek advice from people I can trust and they told me that I shouldn't care about what these people have to say and TIME will tell. Well, I fully agree with that! Don't worry guys; I will not let this kind of setback pull me down… I will be stronger and stronger! You guys too ok… BE STRONG!!!

Another good news is… I’m now moving closer to my dreams – Filming a movie!!! When I was young, I’ve always loved watching HK movies and when I entered showbiz, I told myself that my number one goal in showbiz is to film a movie :-) It was my dream back then and it seemed impossible to me but guess what?

Quote to share: -

DARE to Dream!!!

Yeah… I’m indeed very happy that some good HK movie companies and directors actually noticed me! Although I’m not really sure when my schedule allows me to film in a movie but it’s my dream and I will definitely work hard to achieve it one day! Right now, there are drama and movie opportunities waiting for me and as much as I wish to film in a MOVIE, whatever my company’s decision is, I will still do my best in any job I’m given and not let my company and my fellow supporters down!

I’m so glad to see so many of you at the press conference of my new drama today… and actually, I’ve got a lot of things to write about this new exciting drama too… so everyone… watch out for my new post coming real soon, ok? ☺

WOW… It's a very very long post and you guys must be tired after reading all these… haha! Well, it’s time to go grab something refreshing to energize yourself NOW… What Else??? FRUITS of course!!! ☺

    創作者 謝小妤 的頭像

    Fall in Love with Travel

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