這些日子以來, 我覺得很感動。也明白不論結果是怎樣,只要我們盡力了,那就足夠了! 當然,對於第一集的高收視率,我真的很滿意,也很開心我們收視是第一名! 這其實是大家的功勞,由其是一直努力工作的所有幕後工作人員! 我希望公主小妹可以再一次成為台灣的驕傲,也希望可以變得更受歡迎,不論是在台灣還是在世界各地! 其實導演和製作人真的做了很大的努力讓整個故事變得比漫畫更有趣…還有,後期部份,包括音效啦,宣傳啦,大家都很努力…我非常有信心也很開心公主小妹的所有事情都進行得很順利,更開心現在可以跟你們分享這部戲! 感謝所有為這部戲努力過的人,也感謝所有支持我們的影迷☺
有沒有發現我好像在頒獎典禮獲獎後在演講我的致謝詞啊…哈哈! 我可能在做夢吧☺
其實,最近常常聽到很多關於比較的話…我希望每個人都能明白一件事情! 一部戲在播出前,其實是需要付出很大的努力,這種努力是很少人可以想像到的,而且也不管出來的收視率是怎樣,我們必須感激在台灣還有很多戲劇公司願意投資在製作出不只在台灣,甚至在世界各地都被看見的戲劇! 因為有了這個精神,我們才會變得更強和更好…一起加油吧!
喔對了…我最近去了金門。對我來說這次真的是一個有意義的旅程! 其實,金門是我祖先出生的地方,我爸爸也常常想帶我回去那裡看看但是不幸的是…我一直沒有機會! 現在…感謝公主小妹的宣傳啦,我這次不只可以過去工作,也同時間有機會去看很多有意義的旅遊盛地! 我去了我祖先的村子,也遇見了我從沒見過的親戚朋友。而最重要的是,我腦海中一直想像的金門畫面,這次真的在我眼前了。所以,我現在可以大聲跟人家說我對金門很熟啦☺
其時,我最近實在很忙,而且眼前也有很多挑戰性的工作在等著我…當然有好跟不好。我覺得我選擇離開家鄉這條路,是充滿挑戰性和特別的。有時候,我會覺得很辛苦因為我幾乎所有的時間都被別人安排但是現在想想如過這一卻都做到了了,我覺得對我將來的忍耐性是加分的,因為我可以挑戰到這些事情。我也相信我會跟多人不一樣因為我的人生是很多彩色的 …這並不是因為工作帶來的知名度而覺得很驕傲,反而是各種挑戰讓我繼續往前走是很值得的. 正如為什麼汶萊是個好地方也是因為他沒那麼繁華。而且大部份的人雖然生活可能比較艱苦但是依然活得很輕鬆快樂。想到現在我要面對的狀況,我就比交有信心可以在未來面對更多的挫折。我想我們在演藝圈精神上的收穫遠遠比起很多人還要多。這因該就是強迫我自己走出我的能力範圍上所達到最美好境界啦! Try it☺
-9/24馬來西亞慈善晚會 -9/28香港屈臣氏演唱會 -9/29廣州屈臣氏演唱會
最後,想跟你們說…公主小妹的第一集只是起點! 相信我,一集一集下去會越來越好看啦.. 記得每一集都要看喔!
PS. 很多城市的天氣在都一直在變化,所以記得把雨具帶好和小心安全喔!
每件事的開始都是渺小的。“要勇敢踏出小小的第一步,你就會發現你是有機會把每一步變大! ”
English Version
Honestly, initially (before filming starts) I had some doubts about Romantic Princess… maybe the success of Hanakimi made me sort of worried about my upcoming dramas ☺
However, through the filming experience and after watching the 1st episode…
I guess I was wrong!
I felt so touched and realized that whatever the outcome is, the most important is we have tried our best! Of course, I am very satisfied with the ratings of our 1st episode and am happy that we made it to the top! It is indeed an achievement for all of us, especially the behind-the-scenes crew who worked so hard out of the limelight. I do hope ‘Romantic Princess’ can once again make Taiwan proud of and hope it could be popular by gaining good response from everyone in Taiwan and internationally! Honestly, our director and producers have done a tremendous job in terms of making the storyline even more interesting than the manga itself… Other than that, the post-production jobs such as the sound effects, promotions and the efforts from all the crew too… Well, I think the drama came out awesome!!! Up til now, I am very contended and happy that everything goes so smoothly for Romantic Princess and we could finally share this drama with so many of you! Many thanks to everyone for making this drama the way it is now and million thanks to all our supporters ☺
Hey, did u guys notice that I am expressing my gratitude as if I have won a drama award... haha! Maybe I am just dreaming ☺
But…‘Be BRAVE to DREAM’!
Actually, there are lots of comparisons lately… I just hope everyone would understand one thing! For a drama ready to be on aired, it requires a lot of hard work which no one can imagine and no matter what the ratings are, we should be grateful that many production companies in Taiwan have always been trying to come out with dramas that will be recognized not only in Taiwan but also internationally! Because of this spirit, there is chance for all of us to get better and stronger… Let’s Gambatte!
Oh yeah… I went to Jin Men recently and it was a very meaningful trip for me! Actually, Jin Men is where my ancestors were born and my father has always wanted to bring me back for a vacation but unfortunately, I always don't have the chance! Now… thanks to Romantic Princess promotion, I was not only able to go there for work but also had the chance to visit many meaningful and tourist attractions! I visited my ancestors’ village, met up with my relatives whom I’ve never met before and most importantly; it fulfilled my imagination of what Jin Men is like. Now, I can proudly tell anyone that I am very familiar with Jin Men ☺
Recently, I’ve been so busy and there are lots of new challenging jobs waiting for me… Of course, there are pros & cons too. I think the path I’ve chosen, being away from home, is so much of a challenge and it is unique. Sometimes, it’s tough having my entire time being managed by others but come to think of it now, I think it’s a good cause when I am done with what I am doing. I am sure my life experience will be very colourful one and very different from the average people... Not so much because of the attention that the job brings but more the circumstances the job made me go through… What makes Brunei a nice place is also what makes it kinda backward. And the people in general… Life’s really relaxing with very little hardships in Brunei. Thinking of what I am going through now, I have confidence that it will really help me overcome most obstacles I will face in the future. I guess what I’ve gained mentally in the showbiz will by far outweigh many people and that’s really the beauty of forcing yourself out of your comfort zone! Try it ☺
For the month of September, Fahrenheit is coming…
- Malaysia Charity Show 24th September
- HK Watson Concert 28th September
- Guang Zhou Watson Concert 29th September
Last but not least, the 1st episode of Romantic Princess is only the beginning… Trust me, it will get more and more exciting after each and every episode …Watch out for 2nd episode, ya!
Ps. Weather seems to be changing in many cities so make sure to bring your gears out and stay safe!
Quote to share: -
“The beginning of all things are small. Be BRAVE enough to take the first step and you will make it big!”