A Chinese-British girl was traveling in Istanbul and ran into SeungGi and the NoF team filming. A PD asked her not to take pictures since they were filming. She saw SeungGi buying pomegranate juice for all the staff. There were 6-7 people in the group, including 2 cameramen, & 2 PDs.
credit: RainyYo via dclsg
English Translation: tryp96.wordpress.com
Looks like SeungGi took more than 1 photo with fans:
Credit: petito @ soompi
Credit: iremkorea
Photos from earlier:
Credit: as labeled
Credit: Kevsesongkyohyo via LSG Turkey
Credit: iremkorea
Staff bus?
credit: turkish_alien
What a lucky fan!!! Looks like SeungGi and NoF visited Basilica Cisterntoday.
credit: Fatma Pektas via LSG Turkey