source: baidu tieba
Special meal for SeungGi:
For the rest of the GFB team:
source: baidu tieba
credit: lsgbar
Director-nim who hadn’t overeaten like this in a long time. Dam Pyeong Joon-nim who didn’t think he would be cutting [cutting steak in this case, I think ] on the set. Jo Gwan Woong-nim who said he enjoyed the meal while patting his behind. All the staff who enjoyed the meal and thought the fan scale was at Hollywood level… Choi Kang Chi’s ChoiKang (strongest/best) fan club Airen, thank you so much for today~ ^^
Following the hot tweet sent by Choi Kang Chi Lee Seung Gi on location just now, I’m adding one photo of KangChi, who’s currently dieting, finally eating a hearty meal~ ^^
credit: hookent3
English translation:
SeungGi enjoyed his meal prepared by the fans:
To Airen ♥♥
Thank you as always!
I love you!
source: AIREN_fanclub
English translation:
credit: AIREN_fanclub
credit: lsgbar