2012/11/10 中議內容:
基:我會介紹給她們那些她們想要吃的,比如好像Kimbab, Tteokpokki,及Sundae的食物。據我所知應該由那三種食物開始。韓國有很多食物而且都很 美味。我也趕得及去其他的印尼餐館,我很驚訝那與舌頭很匹配的 美味,也因為吃太多了,最後在睡之前還得做運動。
基:手機,沒有手機我會很不安寧,手機是溝通的用具,但裏面也有遊戲及歌曲。我們通常都會用手機聽音樂,對吧?對於我,如果我不聽音樂,會覺得特別不安寧,因為我每一秒都在聽音樂, 比如在休息時間,所以沒聽會格外覺得不安
基:我已跟孝珠,申敏兒,河智苑合作過,都覺得很合拍,而且他們都是韓國很有名的演員,但私底下,在我最後所參演的劇裏,the king, 我從河智苑身上學會很多,因為他是我的前輩。這是一部很好的劇,給我很多回憶
基:對。我要聽我曲子的人都感覺到放鬆,也能起治療作用。歌詞及音樂也可以給予溫暖的感覺。對於某些人,聽快歌或許強勁的歌曲可以讓自己更有活力,但我要帶來的卻是當人們感覺累時,睡前或醒來後可以傾聽的曲子,每一秒都可以聽的。主要是可以喚醒好心情,平靜及會被女性喜歡的音樂。女性都愛舞曲,但在我長久看來,她們愛的是可以讓她們起舞的歌曲,但實際上她們比較喜歡抒情曲。自己一人聽時,絕大部份都喜歡抒情的歌曲 ~~End~~
2012/11/09 英譯內容:
Lee Seung Gi finds the title “Boy Next Door” too good for him
Sitta Hapsari (SH): One day, if you get a chance to explore Seoul with your fans, what’s the first place that you’ll show them?
Lee Seung Gi (LSG): I like to eat. So I will take them to the places that I know, such as restaurants which serve delicious food.
SH: Food, such as?
LSG: Hmm… I will introduce food that they want to try. Food like kimbap, tteokbokki and sundae. I believe we should start by trying these 3 foods. There are many varieties of Korean food and all of them are delicious.
SH: Now I’m curious, have you tried Indonesian food?
LSG: When I first arrived in Indonesia (yesterday), I ate Nasi Goreng (fried rice). And the taste fit my palate very well. Yesterday, I also went to an Indonesian restaurant and I was surprised because the food really matched with my taste. But because I ate so much yesterday, I went to the gym before going to bed.
SH: What sort of things will make you uncomfortable if they’re not there / available for you?
LSG: If there’s none? Mm… first of all, my family. Then, my friends and my family members in the office (Hook family members). I divide them into 3 major categories, and if all these people are not there (for me), I will be very uncomfortable.
SH: What about things / products?
LSG: Things? Mmm.. for me, I will be uncomfortable if I don’t have my handphone with me. I know that handphone is for communicating with others, however, there are also games in handphone and we can also listen to music everywhere we go, right? For me, if I can’t listen to music, it will make me uncomfortable. I’d love to listen to music at any time. For example: when I’m resting / on a break. So, if I can’t listen to music, it’s uncomfortable and not fun.
SH: You’ve worked with many actresses so far. Amongst them, who do you feel was the best fit (most comfortable) and most fun?
LSG: For me, I’ve worked with Han Hyo Joo, Shin Min Ah and also Ha Ji Won. From the beginning, I was very comfortable with them. Moreover, they’re very famous in Korea. But personally… in my latest drama, The King 2Hearts, I learned a lot from Ha Ji Won because she’s my sunbae. And it became one of the best dramas, so there’re so many things I’ve learned & remembered from TK2H.
SH: In the future, who do you want to work with?
LSG: In the past, I liked to imagine who I’d like to work with next. But then, I thought, all the actresses I worked with were actresses that other actors wanted to work with too. But if I have to answer this question, I’d like to work with any actress in the future, I don’t have any specific actress in mind.
SH: Okay! So many people called you “Korea’s Boy Next Door”, because you look like a good boy.
LSG: Ah, this is too good for me.
SH: From your own perspective, is it true that you’re Korea’s Boy Next Door?
LSG: Mmm.. maybe there’re people who say I’m like that. But I think I am a person who always strive to be a good person. Just like other people, I can get upset and complain, and also can get uncomfortable, same like how other people feel. And I also can easily feel uncertain / worried. Come to think about this, I think I’m the same like the others. I am trying to be a good person, and trying to fit into the “good people” concept. But if you say I’m a “born-to-be”, or I’m a really good person, actually I’m not.
SH: Lee Seung Gi…. Great in singing, acting and if we talk about variety show, you’re also great. Do you want to be “great” in any other area?
LSG: Mmm… I feel like I don’t specifically want to … in other areas. At the moment, I’m a singer, an actor and also in variety. I’ve done these 3 things, but in each of these areaa, I can’t say that I’m very good. I want to balance these three things, step by step and can live enjoying them one by one.
SH: You debuted as a singer, how did you turn into acting?
LSG: In the beginning, my management chose acting for me. At that time, it was not enough just to be a singer, even though I’d done many things. Because there are lots of other people who can do more than that (I guess as a singer, there’re many other singers who can do more than just singing). From that prediction, finally I “jumped” into acting a bit earlier than expected. In the beginning, I didn’t know anything about acting. But at that time, sitcoms and serial dramas were very popular in Korea. From that moment, I became aware that acting was fun and I had an acting talent, so I continued acting.
SH: I heard that you would release a new album in the very near future. Can you share a bit about this album?
LSG: In this album, I have the opportunity to sing the songs that I really love to sing & create. I would like to include a sense of my own feelings, and this will be the kind of songs that I’d love to bring to my listeners. For example: songs that people love to listen in the morning. Usually, it’s very hard to wake up & rise up in the morning, so people play music to evoke their mood. I want to create music like this (music that can make people happy in the morning). And also, when all our works are finished for the day and we’re ready to go to bed. I want to create music that’s also suitable & fit for listening when we’re lying down, shortly before we go to sleep.
SH: Ohh.. so songs that’re perfect for daily listening? So you want to create music and sing songs that can make the listeners happy?
LSG: Yes, I want people who listen to my songs feel relaxed. And the songs can also give a healing effect. Both in lyrics and music, they can give a heart-warming feeling. For some people, dance / upbeat songs can lift up their spirit. But I want to create music & sing songs that can be easily listened to when the listeners are driving, before they go to bed, and when they just wake up. Songs that can be listened to pleasantly, anytime. Songs that can lift up the mood and make the listeners happy. And music that women like.
SH: Really?
LSG: Women do like dance songs, however, from what I’ve seen so far, they in fact like songs that can be used for dancing / following the beats to dance. But women also prefer ballads. And there are many who love ballad songs. And when we listen to ballad songs alone, we can feel that we have our own pride.”
source: traxfm
English translation by Dy
This interview is in Indonesian, and I have no idea what SeungGi talked about. So I’ll just post the pictures.
credit: dreamersradio