雖然花樣在台灣已經播完了讓我有一點小難過,但是我知道在其他地區, 還有華視8點檔 ,才剛剛要上映。我知道很多人已經都看完了整集,但是,好的戲劇是值得一看再看,只要看戲的過程是享受的,不是嗎﹖在這裡,我想借這個機會跟所有支持這部戲的朋友們說最大聲的感謝。老實說,這部戲劇真的給了我更高的知名度,而你們給我的支持其實給了我很大很大的自信心﹗再說,不管我們舉辦什麼宣傳活動,媒體朋友們真的很幫助我們,常常在雜誌和報章上報導很大的版面有關這部戲的種種一切…真的很幸運:-) 我答應你們未來我一定努力做到最好,我也希望當我需要你們的支持的時候,你們可以一直給我支持,好嗎﹖
其時, 我不知道為什麼但是每次我有通告,不管是在活動還是機場,我看你們的最後一眼都真的很捨不得。我知道也許你們的情緒會很激動因為我們很難得才可以見面,但是請一定要注意自己的安全喔,好不好﹖我覺得很不舒服,當我知道你們大多數人都是排了好幾十個小時的隊,你們真的很了不起只為了表示支持我們,偏偏時間的關係我們只能有短短的互動﹗這就是我為什麼很珍惜這類活動的原因﹗我每次都希望可以給你們最好的表現,讓你們開心,我也希望我從來沒有讓你們失望過:﹣)
還有一件事情…我知道我的留言板時常爆滿! 這個事情已經引起有些人的不開心,因為很多人都沒有辦法留言給我。我真的要跟大家說很抱歉! 老實說,我真的沒有時間都把你們的留言全都看完,因為就算我每一天刪掉500封舊的留言,在幾個小時的時間裡,我的留言板就會馬上就爆了。不管怎樣,我還是要謝謝那些教我怎麼處理這個問題的人…我會盡力去看的,好嗎﹖
By the way,我曾在‘my吳尊’奇摩家族留言提到我希望保留自己的一點隱私,但是最近,我發現有人試著去打聽我住的地方,甚至有人跟蹤我回家。我真的希望所有愛我和我愛的支持者們可以尊重我的隱私權,因為我本來就是一個喜歡自由的人, 很喜歡到出亂走。可是當我進入演藝圈之後,我犧牲了很多,尤其是我失去很多的自由,因此我現在最想要的就是擁有一個家 : 一個完全屬於我自己的空間﹗謝謝你們可以體諒我,我會很珍惜你們這份心意的﹗
Last but not least,自從我從汶萊回來以後我才發現台灣的天氣真的越來越可怕哈哈。幾乎每一天都在下雨,而我也很久沒有感覺到太陽了…我真的很討厭這種天氣,再加上身邊很多朋友都因為這種壞天氣而生病了﹗我真的很想念汶萊溫暖又陽光的好天氣啦﹗無論如何,我希望你們要好好照顧自己,也要記得多喝水和多吃水果喔,ok﹖
English Version
First of all, wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day ☺ Guess what??? It's my first time celebrating this special day because we don't have this kind of celebration in my country ☺
It’s sad that Hanakimi has finally come to an end in Taiwan but in some countries, it's still airing. I know a lot of people have finished the whole episodes but no matter what, a good Drama can be watched as many times as you like as it can still be as enjoying, right? Here, I would like to take this opportunity to give my biggest THANKS to everyone who have supported this drama. Honestly, this drama has brought me to another level of publicity and the support from you guys gave me so much confidence! Also, whenever we have promotional activities, the media really helped us a lot in terms of exposure such as publishing our news widely in mags and newspapers… So lucky indeed :-) I promise all of you that I will do my very best in all my future projects and I hope I will still be receiving all of your support whenever I need, ok?
By the way, I’m not sure why but every time when there are promotional activities, my last eye contact with you guys either at the end of the activity or upon departure at the airport was always very unbearable. I can understand that you guys were in a frenzy because we hardly got the chance to see each other but please look after your safety, ok! I felt really bad when I know many of you actually queued up for many hours and I know its really tough on you guys because all that you want to show us are your support and sometimes, we could only interact for a while! That's one of the reasons why I’ve always treasured every moment in activities like these! I’ve always hoped to give my best performance to make all of you happy and I hope I’ve never disappointed you guys!
Also, I really have to thank all the staff and securities for their huge effort in taking such a good care of all of us during our promotional activities in HK… I felt really bad because they had a hard time keeping us safely from the crowds so I really hope things will get better next time… promise me, ok?
One more thing… I know some of you may be very irritated by the fact that my guestbook is always full and I know you guys are not able to leave messages. I really want to apologize to all of you! Honestly, I really don't have enough time to read all of the messages because whenever I delete 500 per day, in just a few hours time, it’ll be full again. Anyhow, I still wanna thank those who have given me tips on how to solve this problem… I will try my best to read them, ok?
Recently, we’re involved with many promotions for the Japanese market as our drama will be airing in Japan soon. We’ve been taking photo shoots and participating in their TV programs… and hopefully, we’ll have the chance to go to Japan later this year! I’ve started learning Japanese recently and though its not easy for me, I will try my best to learn little by little each day :-)
Previously, I did mention in ‘mywuzun’ Yahoo Forum that I hope to have some privacy of my own but recently, I noticed there are people trying to find out where I live and some even followed me home. I really hope that all my beloved supporters could respect my privacy because I am actually the kind of person who really loves freedom but ever since entering showbiz, I really sacrificed a lot and at the same time, lost most of my freedom so what I hope for now is at least to have a home: a space that fully belongs to me! THANK YOU all for your kind understanding and I really appreciate it!
Last but not least, the weather in Taiwan has been really terrible ever since I got back from Brunei. It rains almost everyday and I hardly have the chance to feel the sun shining on me… I really hate it and most of my surrounding friends got sick due to this terrible weather! I really miss the warm and sunny weather in Brunei! Anyway, I hope you guys take good care of yourselves and remember to consume plenty of water and eat lots of fruits, ok?
Quote to share: ‘The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything!’
So guys… don't be afraid of making mistakes but ‘Remember’ to learn from mistakes!